
To take part in Fri3d Camp, you need to buy tickets for all members of your party. There are no one-day or at-venue tickets. Tickets need to be bought beforehand.

What's part of a ticket?

  • Your complete stay at Fri3d Camp.
  • Free participation to all activities, except for occasional material cost.
  • Two hot meals, on Friday and Saturday evening respectively.
  • A programmable badge.

What do we expect of you?

  • Stick to the code of conduct.
  • Each participant 16 years or older, helps during at least one shift. (content support, manning the bar,...) If you don't want this, you need to buy a premium ticket.

We are completely sold out at the moment, but there is a waiting list if you want to get notified as soon as tickets become available.

Put your e-mail address on the waiting list

Ticket prices

ticket 0-3 years€ 14.00
ticket 3-6 years€ 25.00
ticket 6-12 years€ 44.00
ticket 12-24 years€ 91.00
ticket +24 years€ 166.00
ticket +24 years premium€ 204.00
business ticket€ 408.00
camper spot€ 28.00
bed in shared bedroom*€ 30.00
complete bedroom*€ 160.00

* This is the total cost for your stay at Fri3d Camp. The number of beds per bedroom varies, but is usually 6 to 8 beds.

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