For participants

  • When? 16-18 August 2024
  • Where? De Kluis, St-Joris-Weert (Belgium)
  • What? Workshops, talks and other activities around, science and technology, by and for participants.
  • Who? A varied bunch of people interested in the creative use of science and technology.
  • How? We'll be camping, so you need your tent, caravan, camper,... . There is a limited amount of bedrooms availaible in the main building. Read the checklist to know what kind of gear you need to bring.
  • Tickets? All participants need to buy their tickets in advance. There will be no tickets for sale at the entrance.

We are completely sold out at the moment, but there is a waiting list if you want to get notified as soon as tickets become available.

Put your e-mail address on the waiting list

Where will I end up?

De Kluis is a large campsite where many youth-movements have their camps simultaneously. From the 16th to the 18th of August this entire campsite is dedicated to Fri3d Camp. There are sanitary buildings on site, lots of open space to put your tent, campervan, caravan or hijacked UFO, and many trees under which to find shade or to decorate with lights.

Things to keep in mind


Bring your own tent, camper, campervan, caravan,... There's a limited number of bedrooms available, if you're interested you can indicate this with your ticket purchase. Or drop us an e-mail at

There are no strictly delineated camping spots. Find a good spot and be considerate to other campers. There's a central power point per campground, we expect participants to daisychain their power cables to provide power throughout the campground.

We have many WiFis on the campgrounds. Mobile (GSM) reception, however, is spotty at best and often non-existant.

It is an honoured tradition to decorate every campsite with as many colourful LED lights as possible. If you think you might be overdoing it on the LED lights, the answer is 'no, you're not'.

There are toilets and shower blocks on the grounds, and we will also provide refrigerators on the campgrounds. You can store perishable food in these, but we kindly request not to put (large) bottles in these fridges, to ensure enough room for everyone's stuff. You can always get cold drinks at the bar.


All activities are organised by the participants themselves. Orga just facilitates and ensures the camp runs smoothly. This means an activity exceptionally can get cancelled, limited amounts of material might be available, there might be a queue, etc. Remember our motto 'Be Excellent' and show consideration.

We stimulate ad-hoc extra activities organised by participants. These are usually lots of fun, so keep your eyes and ears peeled. We will try our best to make these activities known through the infodesk.

The difficulty level of activities can vary considerably, but we strive for quality. Participants give their talk of workshop out of passion and interest for the topic at hand. They are not animators who happen to do a 'techy' workshop, but rather (semi-)professionals who are passionate about sharing knowledge. So don't assume too quickly that something will be too easy or too hard, but use your interest as a guide.

Submit your idea!

You'll be able to change your proposal afterwards.


Fri3d Camp is a family friendly camp, about a third of all participants are children. If you don't like children, our advice is not to come to Fri3d Camp.

Children from the age of about five or six will be able to attend lots of activities, with some adult guidance. Younger children will have less opportunity to parcipate.

We welcome children of all ages, but take into account that we do not organise any form of childcare. Don't let unaccompanied young children take part in activities that are not intended for kids on their own (check our code of conduct).. If you're at Fri3d Camp with your partner, friends and/or family, please make sure that you're totally agreed about who will accompany children when and where.

Food and drink

Your ticket includes two hot meals, for Friday and Saturday respectively. You wil have to provide your own breakfast, lunch, etc. There is a supermarket nearby, and there will be fridges on the campgrounds for your perishable goods. Hot and cold snacks are available at the bar.

We will provide free coffee, and a bar where you'll find a true cornucopia of delicious and wonderful refreshments.

Drinks and snacks at the bar are paid with drink tokens, which you can buy at the infodesk.


Dogs and other pets are not welcome at Fri3d Camp. With the exception of support animals (guide dogs etc.) we can, due to safety considerations, not allow pets at Fri3d Camp. If you really want to bring your goldfish, we'll allow it. But keep it on a leash at al times.

Photos from 2018

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